The NoteLink App
The Problem
Every minute of every day students around the world are faced with the choice of whether to take notes or to pay full attention to the teacher’s presentation. Most students settle for some sub-optimal mix and end up with low-quality notes and a less-than-full understanding of the material that was presented.
The NoteLink Approach
Digitalizing the Whiteboard Experience
NoteLink is an innovative and cost-effective solution to this tradeoff. NoteLink uses a web camera to capture whiteboard content and convert it into convenient PDF documents. This frees students to listen, absorb, and participate in class with the assurance that high-quality notes will be available at the end of each class.
Why NoteLink?
Lower Emersion and Sub-optimal Notes
The need to simultaneously listen to lectures and write lecture notes disperse students’ attention and prevent them from either fully
immersing in the lesson or taking high-quality notes.
No Questions Left Unasked
Engrossed in taking notes, students miss the fleeting opportunity to ask pertinent questions live and lose out
on potential clarifications that lead to a clearer and deeper understanding of the material.
Enhance Learning Efficiency
NoteLink streamlines the conversion of PDFs, facilitating enhanced
student comprehension and retention of class material.
By Students, For Students
We are not a commercial enterprise and are dedicated to improving this product directly with teachers and
students…until we get it right!
What Does It Do

Automatic capture of whiteboard text and images, ensuring that no content is overlooked.
Advanced algorithms detect the teacher’s presence and automatically capture the
Image enhancement tools boost clarity, ensuring that students receive legible and clear
Swift conversion of images into a distributable PDF facilitates sharing.